
Showing posts from October, 2022

What's the difference between a Blog name and a URL?

Me, to myself, "I think I'll start blogging again.' Googles blog sites, picks Blogger... and then the hard stuff starts. Nope, , not the writing because that - you will soon learn - comes with little to no effort, because I just say what come s to me, and I process it as I'm writing. To be fair, some folks get lost trying to follow the tracks of my thoughts, but I'll try very hard to leave breadcrumbs. But NO, the hard part, was picking my Blog name and my URL.  My blog name, "Middle Aged Musings" seems appropriate. I am almost 47 years old, that definitely qualifies as middle-aged, right? It actually just dawned on me, that I am officially going to be "in my late 40s" next month.  I distinctly remember thinking in my late 20's that I can't possibly be closing in on my 30's. When I turned 27 ***HOLD ON, BREADCRUMB INCOMING--- Take a decade of age -- 20's seems easy as we are already here. How do we differentiate between early-mid...